Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The purpose of our ministry is to offer a symbol of God’s love and comfort through the gift of a prayer shawl. We knit or crochet shawls to be given to people in our parish or community. We pray for God’s blessings and love to be poured out to those in physical, spiritual, or emotional need of God’s loving embrace. If you know of anyone who could use this gift of healing, we have a supply of prayer shawls in the Bride’s Room for you to choose from.
If you would like to join us in knitting or crocheting prayer shawls, please pick up instructions in the Bride’s Room. Finished shawls should measure 30” x60” with no fringe attached. If you need yarn, a prayer shawl delivered, or have any questions, please contact Lori Greenwald through our contact form here.
Thank you for considering joining our Prayer Shawl Ministry!