Funeral Planning

        The clergy and people of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church community are saddened by your loss and wish to share our support and prayers.  Members of the Bereavement Ministry are available to assist you in the planning of the Christian Funeral Rite, answer any questions you may have, and/or assist you with any other needs/concerns. There is no task too simple, so please do reach out for assistance. “Blessed are those who mourn; they shall be consoled” (Mt. 5:3)

God has created each person for eternal life and Jesus, the Son of God, by his death and resurrection, has broken the chains of sin and death that bound humanity. Christ “achieved his task of redeeming humanity and giving perfect glory to God, principally by the paschal mystery of his blessed passion, resurrection from the dead and glorious ascension.”

The St. John’s Funeral Book linked below contains the order of the Christian Funeral, Old and New Testament readings, Psalms, and Gospel readings. A planning sheet is on page 6 and 7 and outlines the funeral rite.  Please complete this sheet and share in advance with the presiding clergy and/or bereavement minister.  If family and/or friends are unable to serve as liturgical ministers (readings and Eucharist), please note on planning sheet as members of the parish community are available to assist in these ministries.

Please accept our sympathy for your loss and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you throughout this very difficult time.



Fr. Dan Thelen

Pastor – St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Bereavement Ministers & the St. John the Baptist Faith Community