Adventure Camp June 26th-July 1st 2022

Adventure Camp June 26th-July 1st 2022

The youth group will be attending Adventure Camp in beautiful Mason, WI from June 26th to July 1st, 2022.  This high adventure week offers rock climbing, rappelling, canoeing, mountain bike riding, low ropes and high ropes, adventure trails, and hiking. There is also...
Deanery Confessions on Palm Sunday

Deanery Confessions on Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday begins the most sacred week of our year as Christians. During the coming week we recall the last days in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth; his passion, death and resurrection. I pray that this Lenten season has been a time of...
Patrick Madrid

Patrick Madrid

Noted author, radio personality, and Catholic apologist, Patrick Madrid will be speaking at Our Lady of Peace Parish on Wednesday and Thursday, April 6-7 at 7pm. Wednesday’s talk is entitled Why be Catholic and Thursday’s is entitled Searchand Rescue. There will be a...